MPGCA Water: Just Add Water - Solutions for the 2020 NDCs and beyond

1. Introduction, setting the scene: Water transition toward a 1.5°C climate-neutral and resilient world

2. Opening remarks by the High-Level Champion Gonzalo Muñoz, Chile

3. Keynote speeches:

3.1. Dr. Abdelkader Amara,

Minister of Equipment, Transport, Logistics and Water of the Kingdom of Morocco, INBO World President 2019-2022, Secretariat of the GAfWaC 

3.2. Henk Ovink,

Special Envoy for International Water Affairs, Kingdom of the Netherlands 

4. Session I. Urban Resilience Across the Green-Grey Spectrum 

5. Session II. Food and forestry value chains: connecting projects from source to sea

6. Closing: Watering the NDCs – Policy Outcome for updating the NDCs