MPGCA: Ocean and Coastal Zones Action Event: Ocean solutions for a resilient, net-zero future


High-Level Opening of the COP 26 Ocean Action Day

One Ocean Science: A Digital World Tour of Ocean and Climate Science (video, 2min) Moderators: Loreley Picourt, Secretary General, Ocean & Climate Platform & Ignace Beguin, Ocean Lead, Climate Champions Team (3 min)

Setting the scene on ocean and climate interactions - what does science tell us?

  • Dr Hans Otto Pörtner, Co-chair of Working Group II, IPCC (5 min)
  • Dr Vladimir Ryabinin, Executive Secretary, IOC-UNESCO (5 min)

High-level opening statements (20 min):

  • Lord Zac Goldsmith, Minister for Pacific and the Environment, United Kingdom.
  • H.E Carolina Schmidt, Minister of Environment and COP25 President, Chile (remote)
  • H.E. Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, Minister of Economy, Fiji
  • Dr. Jane Lubchenco, Deputy Director for Climate and Environment, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy United States of America (remote)


ROUNDTABLE 1: Ocean for Climate: Coastal and marine Nature-based Solutions Moderator: Kristian Teleki, Secretary, Friends of Ocean Action Open and moderated discussion between political leaders, CEOs, local communities, and civil society leaders to showcase innovative and concrete coastal and marine Nature-based Solutions. Suggested Speakers:

  • H.E. Andrea Meza, Minister of Environment, or H.E. Cynthia Barzuna, Vice-Minister on Ocean, Costa Rica (TBC)
  • H.E Flavien Joubert, Minister of Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment, Seychelles
  • Secretary Wade Crowfoot, California, USA
  • Minna Epps, Director of Global Marine and Polar Programme, IUCN
  • Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity (remote) 3
  • M. Sanjayan, CEO, Conservation International
  • Jennifer Morris, CEO, The Nature Conservancy
  • David Obura, Founding Director, CORDIO East Africa
  • Hajaniaina Ratsimbazafy, Conservation Director, Blue Ventures
  • Salesforce (TBC)


Leadership: Catalysing global ambition for a net-zero and resilient future

Moderator: Loreley Picourt, Secretary General, Ocean & Climate Platform, and Ignace Beguin, Ocean Lead, Climate Champions Team

Coastal and marine blue carbon ecosystems

  • Jane Madgwick, Global Mangrove Alliance, CEO, Wetlands International
  • Miko Maekawa,Social Experiment of Blue Carbon Credit in Japan, OPRI
  • Vincent Doumeizel,Safe Seaweed Coalition, Senior Advisor, UN Global Compact and Director, Food Lloyd’s Register Foundation

Building resilience to the impacts of climate change

  • Steve Widdicombe,GOA-ON, Plymouth Marine Laboratory
  • Craig Cogut, Global Fund for Coral Reefs , CEO, Pegasus Capital Advisors LP
  • Théophile Bongarts Sea’Ties/OCP, Sea’ties Lead, Ocean & Climate Platform
  • Karen Sack ORRAA, CEO, Ocean Unite

Scaling-up action

  • Stan Rowland,Ocean Innovation Prize / Ecowave , CEO, Blue Climate Initiative
  • Thomas Sberna Great Blue Wall/IUCN, Regional Head Eastern and South Africa, IUCN


ROUNDTABLE 2: Inclusive ocean management for sustainability: accelerating ocean-based solutions

Moderator: Sturla Henriksen, Special Advisor Ocean, UN Global Compact Open and moderated discussion to showcase innovative and concrete solutions, including on climate-proofed aquatic food systems, decarbonized shipping, ocean renewable energy and sustainable and equitable ocean management.

Suggested Speakers

  • Norway on behalf of the High-level Panel (TBC)
  • Nick Brown, CEO, Lloyd’s Register
  • Benjamin Sykes, Vice President UK Offshore, Head of Market Development, Orsted
  • Catarina Martins, Chief Technology and Sustainability Officer, MOWI (SeaBOS initiative)
  • Marco Lambertini, Director General, WWF International 4
  • Ariane Steins-Meier, Vice-President Global Development, Rare
  • Tim Daw, Associate Professor, Stockholm Resilience Centre
  • Hajaniaina Ratsimbazafy , Conservation Director, Blue Ventures Madagascar
  • Sustainable Ocean Alliance (TBC)
  • Local community spokesperson (TBC)


Ocean Challenge: Toward COP27: Open dialogue on key global actions to bring the ocean-climate agenda and solutions to the next level.

  • Nigel Topping, UN High Level Climate Champions
  • H.E. Peter Thomson, UN Special Envoy for the Ocean
  • Maldives (TBC)
  • Egypt (TBC)