MPGCA: Energy Action Event

12:00 -12:05

MCs for the event: Ms. Claire Kiss, IRENA and Mr. Sam Kimmins, RE100 Opening welcome(2 mins)


Opening remarks

The Champion will touch upon the importance of the Marrakech Partnership and Climate Action Pathways for limiting temperature rise to 1.5° C, as well as position a rapidly accelerated energy transition as key to achieving this, in the context of the Race to Zero and the Race to Resilience. Speaker:Mr. Nigel Topping, UK High-Level Champion for COP26 (5 mins)

12:10 -12:15

Voice from the frontline (5 min)

This segment will set the scene for the event, with a call to action from the frontline, someone who is directly experiencing the impacts of climate change while working towards a just energy transition. The address will stress the urgency of accelerated energy transitions around the world and the system change needed to support them. It will bring to life the need for tangible near term action on climate and enable participants to see the rest of the sessions from a new perspective. Speaker: Ms. Passy Amayo Ogolla, Program Officer Sustainable Energy Futures, Society for International Development, and Africa regional SDG 7 Youth focal point

12:17 -12:58

Decarbonised Power: Achieving a Renewable and Efficient Power System

This segment will showcase ambitious actions and initiatives that are happening around the world that are accelerating a decarbonised power system, en route to a 2030 breakthrough. Speakers in this session will stress the work they are doing to ramp up ambition, the challenges they face in doing so, and potential solutions to these challenges. Where relevant, they will emphasize lessons learned that could be applicable elsewhere. Format: Moderated PanelSet the scene(5 min):H.E.Mariam Almheiri, Minister of Climate Change and Environment, United Arab Emirates Moderator: Ms. Rana Adib,Executive Director,REN21

Speakers(in alphabetical order)

  • Ms. Yvonne Denise Aki-Sawyerr, Mayor of Freetown, Sierra Leone
  • Mr. José Donoso, Chairman,Global Solar Council
  • Ms. Elbia Gannoum, CEO,Abeeolica

13:00 -13:06

Zoom in (part one): What does system change look like?Linear and incremental changes in the power sector will not achieve the speed and scale of systems transformation needed to limit temperature rise to 1.5° C. This TED Talk style intervention will describe what a resilient and adaptable power system would look like, and what integrated financial, regulatory, and social interventions would take to get us there. This speaker will focus on what the energy system would look like, the changes required, and how they can deliver a just transition. Everyone talks about the need for system change, this talk would spell out what that looks like in practice. Format: TED-Talk Speaker: Mr. Francesco La Camera, Director General, International Renewable Energy Agency


Sectoral Integration and the advent of Green Hydrogen

This segment will highlight examples of bold, creative, real-world plans for sectoral integration (i.e. through green hydrogen) to decarbonize multiple end-uses at a meaningful scale to accelerate breakthrough progress toward deep decarbonization.Format: mini TED talks and Moderated Panel Set the scene: policy reflections(5 minseach)

  • H.E. Jeppe Kofod,Minister for Foreign Affairs, Denmark
  • Ms. Kadri Simson, Commissioner for Energy, European Commission Moderator:Mr. Jules Kortenhorst, CEO,Rocky Mountain Institute Speakers(in alphabetical order)
  • Ms. Julie Shuttleworth CEO,Fortescue Future Industries
  • H.E. Abdessalam Mohamed Saleh, Minister of Petroleum, Energy and Mines, Mauritania

13:53 –13:58

Zoom in(part two): What does system change look like? Linear and incremental changes in the power sector will not achieve the speed and scale of systems transformation needed to limit temperature rise to 1.5° C. This TED Talk style intervention will describe what a resilient and adaptable power system would look like, and what integrated financial, regulatory, and social interventions would take to get us there. This speaker will focus on what the energy system would look like, the changes required, and how they can deliver a just transition. Everyone talks about the need for system change, this talk would spell out what that looks like in practice.

Format: TED-Talk Speaker: Ms. Melanie Nakagawa, Special Assistant to the President and National Security Council Senior Director for Climate and Energy, United States of America (invited)


Structural Change: Reshaping the fossil-fuel powered economies

Avoiding dangerous levels of climate change and delivering on the Paris Agreement require a dramatic shift in the way that we provide and use energy. Enabling the transition away from an unsustainable supply of oil and gas is a critical part of that challenge. This segment will focus on the need for a phase out of fossil fuels, while ensuring a just transition where no one is left behind. The fireside chat will feature a discussion around different pathways toa net zero energy future.Format: Fireside chat Interviewer: Ms. Tasneem Essop, Executive Director,CAN international Interviewees(in alphabetical order):

  • H.E. Andrea Meza Murillo, Minister of Environment and Energy, Costa Rica
  • Mr. François Legault,PremierofQuébec, Canada


How can Renewable Energy accelerate progress on the Sustainable Development Agenda,Just Transition and Inclusion? Systemic change is not solely a technical matter, it is also about looking after people. There are those who have much to gain, and others who potentially have much to lose during the energy transition. This discussion will look at energy from the perspective of just transition and inclusion.Format:Fireside chat Interviewer:Ms. Tzeporah Berman, International Program Director, Stand Earth and Adjunct Professor, York University Interviewees (in alphabetical order):

  • Mr. Ben Backwell,General Secretary,Global Wind Energy Council
  • Ms. Irene Karani, Africa Director, Children Investment Fund Foundation
  • H.E. Anne Beathe Kristiansen Tvinnereim,Ministerof International Development, Norway

14:43 -14:45

Closing Wrap-up