Technology Executive Committee 14 31/03/2017

10 Other matters

i. Invitation to engage with the work of the Paris Committee for Capacity Building (PCCB)

7. Possible approaches for preparing the report of the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement

5. Implementation of the rolling workplan for 2016-2018

(e) Innovation and research, development & demonstration

i. Special event

ii. Technology research, development and demonstration

iii. Mapping enabling environments and barriers

5. Implementation of the rolling workplan for 2016-2018

(c) Technologies for mitigation

ii. Inputs for the technical expert meetings on mitigation

i. Thematic dialogue on industrial energy efficiency and material substitution in carbon intensive sectors

9. Date and venue of the next meetings

10. Other matters (continued)

11. Closure of the meeting