MPGCA: Energy


  • Gonzalo Munoz, COP25 Climate High-level Champion
  • MC: Elizabeth Press, Director, Planning and Programme Support, IRENA
  • Introduction: Mr. Bertrand Piccard, Initiator and Chairman, Solar Impulse

Segment 1: Realising the Transition to a 1.5°C Pathway

Description: This segment will focus on the state of the global energy transition and reflect on pre-2020 actions, including the latest innovative models of participatory approaches, business models and new scalable solutions to promote replication. Speakers in this segment will present large technological and financial potential that exist and can help accelerate the transition to a 1.5°C pathway

Moderator: Rana Adib, Executive Secretary, REN21

Format: TED talk-style and dialogue. After the moderator introduces the speakers, each speaker will have the opportunity to provide a short introductory statement of up to five minutes. The moderator will then follow each statement with prepared questions.


  • H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma, Abze Djigma Foundation
  • Ms. Fatima Zahra El Khalifa, Cluster Solaire
  • Mr. José Donoso, Spanish Photovoltaics Association
  • Mr. Karol Gobczynski, INGKA Group

Setting a High Bar: The Role of Ambitious Energy Targets

Moderator: Elizabeth Press, Director, Planning and Programme Support, IRENA

Format: Dialogue with countries with long-term climate strategies on the importance of setting ambitious energy targets at the national level.


  • Dr. Karsten Sach, Director-General for European and international Policy in the Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, Germany

Segment 2: Mind the Gap: Overcoming Barriers to a 1.5°C pathway

Description: This segment will showcase examples of countries and companies with

ambitious plans and strategies who are successfully breaking down barriers that hinder the energy transition. Speakers will discuss policy/regulatory frameworks that are aligned with a 1.5°C pathway, and share examples of policy, technology, finance, and business models that bring stakeholders from the entire energy value chain together.

Moderator: Mariana Heinrich, WBCSD

Format: Moderated discussion. After the moderator introduces the speakers, each speaker will have the opportunity to provide a short introductory statement of up to five minutes. The moderator will then follow each statement with prepared questions.


  • Mr. Nathan Borgford-Parnell, Climate and Clean Air Coalition
  • Ms. Juliet Davenport, Good Energy Group
  • Mr. Anirban Ghosh, Mahindra Group
  • Ms Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, Republic of the Marshall Islands
  • Mr. Mariano Morazzo, Enel

The Business Case for a Zero-Emission Energy Future

Moderator: Majda Dabaghi, Director, Inclusive and Green Growth, ICC

Format: One-on-one dialogue with ABB on the importance of embarking on a zero-emission pathway.


  • Amina Hamidi, ABB Electrification Business

Segment 3: Amplifying Ambition: Multiplication without Division

Description: This segment will demonstrate the continued momentum behind the initiatives launched at the UN SG’s Climate Action Summit, including introducing additional partners and commitments, and further reflect how the initiatives will address critical gaps

in the energy transition while delivering sustainable development, air pollution reduction, job creation, cleaner cities, better transport and a more inclusive world. Speakers in this segment will discuss replicable and scalable concerted action that helps get the world to a 1.5°C pathway.

Moderator: Kelly Rigg, The Varda Group

Format: TED talk-style and dialogue. After the moderator introduces the speakers, each speaker will have the opportunity to provide a short introductory statement of up to five minutes. The moderator will then follow each statement with prepared questions.


  • Mr. Kofi Agyarko, Energy Effiiciency & Climate Change
  • Mr. Pierre Rousseau, BNP Paribas
  • Mr. Carlos Sallé, Iberdrola
  • Mr. Marc Van Peteghem, Van Peteghem Lauriot-Prévost
  • Mr. Fleming Voetmann, FLSmidth
