Joint SBSTA-IPCC special event: Special report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC)

Opening and Welcome


  • Opening remarks and objective of the event by the SBSTA Chair
  • Statement by the Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation Minister of Chile
  • Remarks by the UNFCCC Deputy Executive Secretary
  • Remarks by the IPCC Chair

Paul Watkinson (SBSTA Chair)

Andrés Couve (Chile)

Ovais Sarmad (UNFCCC Deputy Executive Secretary)

Hoesung Lee (IPCC chair)

Unpacking the new scientific knowledge and key findings


  • Observed changes and impacts
  • Presentation (15–20 mins)
  • Q&A followed by an open discussion (30 mins)

Presentations by Valérie Masson-Delmotte and Panmao Zhai (IPCC WG I Co-Chairs)


  • Projected changes and risks
  • Presentation (15–20 mins)
  • Q&A followed by an open discussion (30 mins)

Presentations by Hans-Otto Pörtner (IPCC WG II Co-Chair)


  • Implementing responses to ocean and cryosphere change
  • Presentation (15–20 mins)
  • Q&A followed by an open discussion (30 mins)

Presentation by Debra Roberts (IPCC WG II Co-Chair)


17:45 - 18:00

  • Closing remarks by the Chairs of the SBSTA and the IPCC

Paul Watkinson and Hoesung Lee

Further information and presentations available from the event webpage